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KHS/SFHS Weekly Update

Posted Date: 1/31/25 (:30 AM)

Weekly Update
January 29, 2025
A logo featuring a black and gold animal head with text surrounding it, including the year '1924'.
Weekly Update:

  • Looking Forward...
  • Report Cards
  • Sweethearts Dance "Reward"
  • Act III Productions: "The Servant of Two Masters"
  • INTERVENTION! Is your student needing academic support?
  • Events & Athletics
  • Important Information
  • Important Links
A red heart ornament hangs from a bare branch against a sunset backdrop.
Looking Forward...

Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we welcome February, we are excited to share the many events and activities happening at school over the next few weeks, leading up to Spring Break! This is always an action-packed time of year, and we are thrilled to have so much to look forward to.
Winter Homecoming
February 18-22
Our Winter Homecoming celebration will include:
  • The Sweethearts Dance on Friday, February 21, from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM at High Desert Station in Star.
  • We will be raising funds for our Make-A-Wish recipient during our Homecoming Assembly that will also take place on 2/21.
  • Boys Varsity Basketball on Saturday 2/22
Athletics: Districts and State Competitions
Our Boys and Girls Basketball teams are gearing up for their District and State competitions Additionally, our wrestling team will be competing in their Districts and State tournaments. We are proud of all our student-athletes and wish them the best of luck.
College and Career Fair February 26 5-8pm
Join us for our annual College and Career Fair, where students can explore future options, learn about college admissions, and connect with potential employers.
KSD All Band and Choir Concerts
The talented students in our music programs will be showcasing their hard work and dedication. These performances are always a highlight and a wonderful way to celebrate the creativity and effort of our students.
  • KSD All Band Concert 2/27
  • KHS Festival Choir Concert 3/10
  • KHS Orchestra Festival Concert 3/11
Spring Break
March 17-21

Please follow our calendar for weekly events
Report Cards
A yellow sticky note with the words 'Report Cards' written on it, pinned to a corkboard.
Semester 1 Report Cards are now available to view in PowerSchool.
"Sweet" Attendance Reward!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am excited to share a new initiative developed in collaboration with our CAST leadership team to encourage strong attendance, decrease tardies, and increase academic success.  After working through a process with student leaders and administration, we identified key areas that impact student learning—attendance, tardiness, and academic performance. Together, we worked to design an incentive program that acknowledges students who consistently demonstrate responsibility in these areas and rewards them by giving a school excused early release for Sweethearts dance activities.  
I am proud of them for coming up with this idea and guiding them through a series of planning meetings. They played a crucial role in shaping this initiative by offering student perspectives and suggesting realistic goals.  As a result, we developed a system that balances high expectations with a positive reinforcement model.
Students who meet the following criteria starting today will qualify for an excused 2 hour  early release on February 21:
  • Attendance: 90% or higher from Jan 30th - Feb 20th
  • Tardiness: 95% or better tardy-free record Jan 30th - Feb 20th
  • Academics: No grades below a D in any class on Feb 20th. 
  • Proof of purchase of dance tickets
Students will be able to pick up the form on Friday January 30  that outlines the process. It will require a parent's signature. On Feb 19th and 20th, students will take the form and have all their teachers sign it to confirm they are passing their classes. 
This idea is part of my ongoing efforts to foster a culture of accountability, engagement, and collaboration with student leaders.  I am proud of our student leaders for their role in this process and their dedication to help high school to be more engaging. .
Thank you for your support to students!

ACT III Productions Presents: The Servant of Two Masters
Title goes here
  • January 30 $8.00 Adults $5.00 Students/Seniors
  • January 31 - Dinner Theatre $15.00 (dinner & a show)
  • February 1 $8.00 Adults $5.00 Students/Seniors
A poster advertising a production of 'The Servant of Two Masters' by Carlo Goldoni, taking place at The Uncommon Theatre on January 30th, 31st, and February 1st.
KHS/SFHS Intervention
Intervention works!
Does your student need academic support or are they falling behind in their work? Please encourage them to attend intervention sessions. These sessions are available daily at KHS and SFHS after 2nd period. It's a great opportunity for your student to work with teachers, catch up, and deepen their understanding of the material.
Events & Athletics
  • Girls S/JV/V Basketball vs Centennial
  • Act III Productions - "A Servant of Two Masters" 7PM
  • Boys S/JV/V Basketball @ Timberline
  • Wrestling @ Red Halvorson Minico
  • Act III Productions - "A Servant of Two Masters" 7PM
  • Wrestling @ Red Halvorson Minico
  • Girls Basketball Sophomore Districts @ Owyhee
  • Girls Basketball JV Districts @ Eagle
  • Act III Productions - "A Servant of Two Masters" 7PM
  • Boys S/JV/V Basketball vs Centennial
  • Girls Basketball Sophomore Districts @ Owyhee
  • Girls Basketball JV Districts @ Eagle
  • Girls Basketball Sophomore Districts @ Owyhee
  • Girls Basketball JV Districts @ Eagle
  • Girls Varsity Basketball Districts @ Rocky
  • National College Signing Day 2:45 PM
  • Wrestling @ Meridian
  • S/JV/V Basketball vs Eagle
  • Girls Varsity Districts @ KHS/ROCKY
Important Information:
Help to manage your ParentSquare Account
Are you overwhelmed with the number of emails, texts and app notifications you are getting from ParentSquare? Set your notifications to Digest and you will receive one email and/or one text and/or one app notification providing access to all ParentSquare information at the end of the day. Note: If you receive notifications by email, you'll receive a daily digest email from your district and schools separately if there are posts that day. 

See attached link: Managing ParentSquare Account
Drop Off/Pick Up
We appreciate your patience during drop-off and pickup. Please follow the zones to ensure a safe parking lot for all. Stay in line and allow yourself 10-15 minutes extra time.
student lot
Student Drop off & Pick up - Student Parking Lot Only
Drop off & Pick up is only allowed in the student parking lot. Dropping off/pickup in the front of KHS is not allowed.
SFHS Transfer & Lunch Bell
Pro Tip: if your student drives to the Swan Falls campus for afternoon classes, set an alarm on their phone to ensure they arrive on time for Third Period, which starts at 11:26 AM. This will help minimize tardiness and disruptions in class. For detailed bell schedules, check the Important Links section below. Thank you for your cooperation!
Attendance PRO TIPS
  • Please call to verify your student's absence within 48 hours.
  • Please give us at least 30 minutes to get your student out of class - the earlier you call the message line the better.
  • When you call to get your student out of class they will get "blue slip" with the time to leave on it. You do not have to come into the school to pick them up they can meet you out front of the school.
Important Links:
Daily Bell Schedule
Athletics Schedule